- The facility promotes sustainable water use through rain water use. The roof of each building has been designed as catchment areas for rain water which is then stored in tanks for use on site. Storm water from pavement runoff is also captured for use in the process, further reducing the need for the addition of town water.
- Although the Eastern Creek UR-3R Facility was designed to be energy sufficient by producing its own renewable energy, Global Renewables had to decommission the ISKA percolation/power generation circuit in 2010 due to relatively low wholesale power prices in Australia and the low value placed on renewable energy credit generation.
- Our customers and suppliers are benefiting from our business relationships.
- The impact on the environment, from our society’s waste, is minimised.
- The community values our citizenship.
- Every employee starts each day with a sense of purpose and ends each day safe and with a sense of accomplishment.